Good luck to our senior team who take on Kilcar on Sunday in Ballybofey in the RTE Raidio na Gaeltachta Senior Championship semi-final.
Naomh Conaill Gaa Club Harvest Fair draw tickets are now on sale and the prizes are: 1st prize -Pedigree Charolais Heifer or Market value; 2nd prize – Pure Bred Texel Ram lamb (sponsored by John Mc Loone, Agriculture Consultant Services); 3rd Prize – €300 cash prize (sponsored by Garrett O’Donnell Pharmacy); 4th prize – 10 bags of coal (sponsored by Inniskeel Co-op); 5th prize – €100 Harvest Fair Hamper (sponsored by Lisdanar B&B Glenties; 6th prize – €100 oil voucher (sponsored by McDevitt oil); 7th prize – €50 voucher (sponsored by Killybegs Travel).
Tickets price are €5 for one or a book of three for €10. Tickets sponsored by Coffey Water Ltd.
There was no winner of this week’s lotto, numbers drawn out were 1-23-24-29. The two €50 prizes went to Micheal Brennan, Main Street Glenties and Frank Mc Swiggan, Gortnasillagh, Glenties. Next week’s jackpot will be €3,100.
Congratulations to Hughie and the Minor girls on winning the county final on Saturday last in Killygordon vs Glenfin.