IT WAS A tight battle for this week’s Donegal Daily/Donegal Sport Hub Sports Person of the Week in association with O’Reilly’s – and there were only FOUR votes in it at the end up!
Adrienne Gallen of Lifford-Strabane AC edged out St Oran’s NS, Cockhill student Luke O’Donnell with just four votes between them at noon yesterday, when the polls closed.
Adrienne had 391 votes to Luke’s 387 in a neck-and-neck race.
Gallen, competing for St Columba’s College, Stranorlar, not only won the junior hammer at the Irish Schools Championships last weekend, but broke the Irish Schools record in reaching out to 57.24 metres, beating Jade Williams’ 2015 mark by over three metres.
Each weekly award winner will receive a kitbag, a jacket and a bobble hat, supplied by O’Reilly’s.
The award winner will be chosen via a public vote from a shortlist selected by our panel.
O’Reilly’s Sportswear was founded in 2017 by well-known Twin Towns sporting brothers Steven and Martin O’Reilly.