Golf notes for Cumann Gailf Chloich Cheann Fhaola
There was a great turnout for our Mini Hamper last Sunday morning. Although it was frosty that did not deter our Members from enjoying their first game back after lockdown.
Mini Hamper results from last Sunday: 1st – Seamus O’Hanlon (15) 40pts; 2nd – Joe Gallagher (25) 39pts BOT; CAT 1 – Paul Doherty (9) 36pts BOT; CAT 2 – JB McCallion (18) 39pts; CAT 3 – Joe McGarvey GAA (20) 38pts.

Hugo Cannon chipping onto 8th green last Sunday

Big John putting on 8th green last Sunday
Well done to Seamus O’Hanlon wee buns!
Thank you to Bernard Boyle and Errarooey Tyres for their kind sponsorship.
This weekend’s competition is the Christmas Hamper, play Saturday or Sunday kindly sponsored by Club Member Brian Dolan.
Mark McGinley is putting together a fixture list over the festive period and new sponsors would be very welcomed.
Please follow all guidelines and safety protocols that we had in place before the lockdown was announced in October. Timesheets are open for booking on the ClubNet app or on the Club Website.
Club AGM
Our Club AGM takes place next Monday 14th December on zoom.
Gift Vouchers for 2021 Golf Membership is now available a perfect Christmas Present!
Tá fáilte roimh baill úra – fir, mná agus daoine óga chuig Cumann Gailf Chloich Cheann Fhaola. Bígí slán agus tabhair aire.