Weekly Notes for Cloughaneely Golf Club:
Cumann Gailf Chloich Cheann Fhaola would like to send our condolences to club member Sean McGeady and his family on the death of his mother Katie. We would also like to extend our sympathy to club member Gerry Coffey and his family on the recent death of his brother Maurice in Co. Offaly. Ar dheis Dé go raibh siad beirt anois.
We welcome new members for 2021 offering excellent value for Beginner Ladies, Gents, Students, Juniors, Juveniles and Distance Members. All information on our website.
Cuireann Cumann Gailf Chloich Cheannfhaola fáilte roimh bhaill úra – fir, mná agus daoine óga. Tá na táillí bliantiúla iontach réasúnta. Tá plásóga den scoith ar an chúrsa, bainfidh tú sult agus sásamh as é a imirt agus cuirfear fáilte mhór romhat.
Walk, enjoy the fresh air, fantastic scenery and meet new friends.

Gerard Maguire, Chris Barrett and Gerard Doran

Mark McGinley and Conor Gallagher

Cian McGarvey and Shane Corless

James Collum, Seamus McGinley and Kenny Macpherson

New Memebrs Edward Boyce and Lenny Southgate
Golf lessons for beginners available later in summer after restrictions ease.
Additional benefits to membership include access to the clubnet app, access to our private whatsapp messaging service and much more. Tel: 0749165416
Email: cloughaneelygolfclub@gmail.com .
Beidh fáilte romhat chuig Cumann Gailf Chloich Cheann Fhaola!
Our 18 Hole Singles Stableford start this weekend handicap qualifying. From 18th May our weekly 9 hole comps commence every Tuesday and Friday.
Bígí slán agus bígí maith dá chéile!