FOLLOWING THURSDAY EVENING’S AGM the incoming North West 10k committee will get down to work after Christmas for the 20th anniversary of the charity race and walk.
Sunday, May 1, will be a special occasion for the organisation, which staged its first North West 10k event in 1997.
Photo caption: The newly elected North West 10k committee following their AGM on Thursday evening in the Mount Errigal Hotel. Front from left – Bridgeen Doherty, James Boyle (Chairperson), Brendan McDaid (Assistant Treasurer & Race Director), Rosemary Foy (Joint Secretary). Back from left – Anne Condon (Treasurer), Grace Boyle, Gerry Davenport, Neil Martin (Vice-Chairperson), Bernie Brennan (Joint Secretary), Patsy Doherty and Paddy Bond. Not included committee members Norman Spratt, Gerard McGinley, Nancy McNamee and Neilly McDaid.
Over the past 19 years a total of €709,000 has been raised for a broad spectrum of worthy causes. The 2014 event yielded €27,757 with the four charities getting €6,939 each.
Early in New Year interested charities will be invited to make applications to be the beneficiaries of the 20th North West 10k. Following confirmation of the successful charity organisations there will be a number of fundraising initiatives undertaken ahead of the race and walk to maximize the financial returns for the groups.
There were no personnel changes at the AGM in the Mount Errigal Hotel with James Boyle re-elected as Chairperson; Neil Martin (Vice-Chairperson); Anne Condon (Treasurer), Brendan McDaid (Assistant Treasurer), Declan Kerr (PRO) and Joint Secretaries (Bernie Brennan and Rosemary Foy).
The Honorary President is Charlie Kelly and following committee members were also re-elected – Gerry Davenport, Norman Spratt, Paddy Bond, Grace Boyle, Gerard McGinley, Neilly McDaid, Bridgeen Doherty, Nancy McNamee and Patsy Doherty. Meanwhile Brendan McDaid remains on as Race Director while Charlie Kerr will assist with the safety and traffic management plans.
Chairperson James Boyle acknowledged the crucial role played by the sponsors and Brian McCormick Sports in helping to make the North West 10k such a successful charity event in recent years.
The support of the Gardai under Sergeant Eunan Walsh, the Civil Defence, the volunteer marshals, those who manned water stations and anyone involved in any way with last year’s race and walk were thanked for their invaluable contribution to ensuring that it passed off safely.